Monday, 25 April 2011

Webway / warp portal work in progress

Its been some time now that I have been working on the webway / warp gate ( Eldar style ) scenery. been a side little project for a long time and its now getting to a point that cant cat some test cast done and painted up very soon... 

This has always been a bit of scenery I wanted to get done but never really got to the point I was happy with it, but now it looking very nice and ticking those Mmmm nice scenery boxes ( well i do think so myself ) 

rune stones two different sizes 

the finished product will be cast in resin and with its own base separate so you can make the choice to have the base or make your own .so easier to use . also there will be separate rune stones to add some detail to the gate itself. 

size wise the webway will stand a little under 20cm high  

The webway started off looking a little different from the look it has now and over time the 1st version became damaged and started not to like the look of it so thought would start from scratch  and glad I did , once its ready will be looking to get it out in the shop soon as i can , just need to gets the molds done and get some cast. then its time to get one painted up and  get it out there ... and hopefully see some money roll . ( now that would be nice )

and this was the old one ( cant tell from the pictured too well but when the two are next to each other the old one really did show its age ) 
R.I.P vr1 (old) webway 

Been a while for me getting some news on the blog , but once I'm closer to getting this fished will be posting more updates . but the best place to catch news is via my twitter

1 comment:

evil mushroom games said...

the 1st picture of the webway is actually the test cast, so progress in the right direction